Freelance DKP: Viewing Purchase History for Gold-Trimmed Cummerbund of Sorrow

Standings | Raids | Events | Item Values | Item History | Summary | Stats

Purchase History for Gold-Trimmed Cummerbund of Sorrow
Date Buyer Raid Value
08/31/13 Bitsofriar Rebirth - Memories of the Faceless 60.00
12/28/13 Kyosukesama Rebirth - Memories of the Faceless 50.00
01/10/14 Winana Rebirth - Memories of the Faceless 50.00
10/25/13 Sinnayr Rebirth - Memories of the Faceless 30.00
09/13/13 Kotsukai Rebirth - Memories of the Faceless 10.00
... found 5 item(s)

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