Freelance DKP: Viewing Purchase History for Raw Deathseeker's Armwraps

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Purchase History for Raw Deathseeker's Armwraps
Date Buyer Raid Value
06/16/16 Controls Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
06/24/16 Zarake Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
06/24/16 Coffeebreath Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 50.00
07/01/16 Archery Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 50.00
07/02/16 Dochter Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
07/02/16 Dulcy Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
07/07/16 Paye Plane of Fear - Dracoliche 50.00
07/08/16 Savack Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 50.00
07/14/16 Reyek Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
07/14/16 Snakein Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
07/14/16 Pamidhobie Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
07/14/16 Bamkus Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 50.00
07/22/16 Deadjester Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
07/28/16 Eyegora Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
07/28/16 Aphie Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
07/28/16 Johjoh Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
07/28/16 Mudkip Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 50.00
08/04/16 Tirranun Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
08/11/16 Netn Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
08/18/16 Leazer Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas 50.00
08/20/16 Magnumus Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
08/20/16 Darkarma Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
08/20/16 Evilash Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
08/25/16 Spriggenx Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
08/25/16 Shadowhands Plane of Health - Grummus! 50.00
08/26/16 Zannexx Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 50.00
09/02/16 Gannicus Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 50.00
09/08/16 Viga Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/08/16 Shadowhands Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
09/15/16 Evilash Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/17/16 Broco Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 50.00
09/22/16 Khur Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/22/16 Hawrlee Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/24/16 Macebus Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 50.00
09/30/16 Feroxmage Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
10/01/16 Suppo Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor 50.00
10/06/16 Vulvana Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 50.00
10/06/16 Squiles Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 50.00
10/07/16 Waskily Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas 50.00
10/08/16 Binadwen Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
10/08/16 Clawbar Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
10/13/16 Syco Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
10/13/16 Paltrine Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 50.00
10/15/16 Trolbiterr Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay 50.00
10/21/16 Fumyen Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
10/21/16 Idaran Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
10/21/16 Ammamin Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
10/28/16 Arsenil Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
10/28/16 Zuhgzug Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
10/28/16 Pilelce Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
11/04/16 Boggulbok Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
11/12/16 Zuhgzug Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
11/12/16 Gullivaer Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
12/16/16 Sinnayr Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 50.00
12/17/16 Rootdigger Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
12/17/16 Shortmanoncampu Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
01/07/17 Barlaceea Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
01/14/17 Drakknil Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
01/14/17 Gilgiraffe Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
01/20/17 Drogblast Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
01/21/17 Kevsaiyan Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas 50.00
01/26/17 Vrapt Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 50.00
01/26/17 Paruaa Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
01/26/17 Braelyn Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/02/17 Feonix Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/02/17 Tinyzerk Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
02/02/17 Foaaniel Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
02/09/17 Dahterrorizerr Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/09/17 Aindien Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
02/09/17 Panthro Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 50.00
02/11/17 Whisperain Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 50.00
02/16/17 Gwenni Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/16/17 Rizar Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/23/17 Drewiddmeow Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/23/17 Pacmain Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
02/23/17 Littleboom Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
05/27/17 Whisperain Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
06/09/17 Norgold Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 50.00
07/21/17 Chokal Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 50.00
08/18/17 Dokhopper Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
08/18/17 Deadiam Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/01/17 Ekarax Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
09/09/17 Meleeic Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/09/17 Whisperain Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
09/15/17 Treetaco Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/15/17 Whisperain Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
09/15/17 Dokhopper Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
09/15/17 Hawrlee Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 50.00
09/21/17 Brellontis Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/21/17 Kelssie Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
09/22/17 Medazoa Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 50.00
10/07/17 Vastly Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
10/07/17 Immuden Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
10/27/17 Kineely Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
11/02/17 Kineely Crypt of Decay - Emollious 50.00
08/23/18 Ladydianna Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay 50.00
07/16/16 Shalbal Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 53.00
06/23/16 Rhyslin Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 60.00
06/24/16 Minasu Crypt of Decay - Emollious 60.00
06/23/16 Sukana Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 70.00
05/12/16 Overeasy Crypt of Decay - Emollious 77.00
08/11/16 Manaelil Crypt of Decay - Emollious 80.00
05/26/16 Bumkus Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 85.00
05/12/16 Borean Crypt of Decay - Emollious 90.00
06/04/16 Whosyrdaddy Crypt of Decay - Emollious 100.00
06/04/16 Shallon Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 100.00
06/10/16 Slayinsin Plane of Health - Grummus! 100.00
07/08/16 Shalow Plane of Health - Grummus! 100.00
08/04/16 Othen Crypt of Decay - Emollious 100.00
06/04/16 Dimerall Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 117.00
05/13/16 Dimbly Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 150.00
05/26/16 Tinyene Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 151.00
05/26/16 Osangar Crypt of Decay - Emollious 160.00
03/04/16 Riprobin Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 161.00
05/12/16 Zelorne Plane of Hate - Innoruuk 167.00
06/04/16 Marsmage Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 170.00
05/20/16 Studleyeric Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 175.00
04/30/16 Exuo Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 179.00
03/10/16 Padraigg Crypt of Decay - Emollious 180.00
05/06/16 Landaru Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 180.00
04/23/16 Feroxide Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 187.00
04/28/16 Shallon Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 187.00
03/10/16 Kianara Crypt of Decay - Emollious 191.00
05/06/16 Sunlace Crypt of Decay - Emollious 195.00
03/03/16 Raccoo Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 200.00
03/10/16 Celebairn Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 200.00
03/11/16 Zaknaffein Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay 200.00
04/16/16 Hardaen Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 200.00
04/23/16 Blaqheart Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 200.00
04/30/16 Mulila Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 200.00
05/28/16 Lasai Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 200.00
04/23/16 Ehlana Crypt of Decay - Emollious 210.00
04/02/16 Owmy Crypt of Decay - Emollious 211.00
03/24/16 Khorriz Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 212.00
04/02/16 Nintap Crypt of Decay - Emollious 220.00
02/25/16 Luthernhamner Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 240.00
04/07/16 Vastorm Crypt of Decay - Emollious 240.00
03/05/16 Twoma Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 250.00
03/18/16 Baghdaddy Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 250.00
03/24/16 Scornfire Crypt of Decay - Emollious 250.00
04/07/16 Mten Crypt of Decay - Emollious 250.00
04/07/16 Exbeast Crypt of Decay - Emollious 256.00
03/18/16 Mistatk Crypt of Decay - Emollious 258.00
02/25/16 Gimamam Crypt of Decay - Emollious 270.00
03/04/16 Huevos Crypt of Decay - Emollious 275.00
03/04/16 Poddo Crypt of Decay - Emollious 275.00
12/10/15 Curmugly Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 300.00
01/01/16 Mildaria Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 300.00
01/07/16 Maglor Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 300.00
02/04/16 Evilash Crypt of Decay - Emollious 300.00
02/05/16 Endotron Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 300.00
02/25/16 Kaloha Crypt of Decay - Emollious 300.00
02/25/16 Jilkk Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 300.00
02/19/16 Quickburn Crypt of Decay - Emollious 310.00
02/19/16 Glaydfrawg Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam 310.00
02/20/16 Windreaper Plane of Health - Grummus! 320.00
01/23/16 Rulolin Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 325.00
02/04/16 Minisca Crypt of Decay - Emollious 325.00
01/30/16 Krinni Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 340.00
01/30/16 Oruatyrim Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor 350.00
02/06/16 Toransa Plane of Health - Stem the Tide 350.00
01/28/16 Zenyan Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay 410.00
01/15/16 Brenlaven Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay 430.00
01/16/16 Oruatyrim Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life 467.00
08/26/16 Furro Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul 500.00
... found 165 item(s)

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